Prison Break


A captivating tale featuring a man who plans a risky prison break to clear his brother's name of a wrongful conviction. Motivated by a strong brotherly bond and firm belief in his brother's innocence, Michael Scofield, a skilled engineer, creates a complex scheme to liberate Lincoln Burrows from Fox River State Penitentiary. With meticulous precision, Michael tattoos a detailed blueprint of the prison onto his body, charting a path to freedom. Inside the unforgiving walls of Fox River, Michael must navigate a treacherous world filled with dangerous inmates, corrupt guards and a relentless pursuit by law enforcement. Throughout his journey, he creates unexpected partnerships with fellow inmates, each possessing distinct abilities and reasons for their actions. They face numerous obstacles, push their limits and confront the psychological toll of their confinement, all in the hope of escaping and revealing the truth behind Lincoln's wrongful conviction.

Main characters